Dazzling, filthy, unforgettable: Dirty Laundry takes the Cultch
June 15, 2023
Dirty Laundry, a queer theatre extravaganza by Briefs Factory International, finally arrived on Canadian shores—kicking off their run at The Cultch on Friday, June 9. Hailing from Australia, the Briefs boys are led by the sensational ringleader Shivannah (also known as Briefs Factory International’s...
By Bhagyashree Chatterjee | LinkedIn
Dirty Laundry, a queer theatre extravaganza by Briefs Factory International, finally arrived on Canadian shores—kicking off their run at The Cultch on Friday, June 9. Hailing from Australia, the Briefs boys are led by the sensational ringleader Shivannah (also known as Briefs Factory International’s...

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