Feature Photo by William Chen, Creative Commons
By Andrea Loewen
A monthly round up of Resistance Research, including quotes, news, analysis, inspiration, and action items. Let’s break this regime down into actionable items and take it down, bit by bit!
“Revolution is not a one-time event. It is becoming always vigilant for the smallest opportunity to make a genuine change in established, outgrown responses; for instance, it is learning to address each other’s difference with respect.
We share a common interest, survival, and it cannot be pursued in isolation from others simply because their differences make us uncomfortable.” -Audrey Lorde
This Month’s Action:
Read the 2019 Agenda from the Women’s March. They claim it to be the first comprehensive, intersectional agenda for women’s rights and they just might be on to something.
If you live in the United States, you can join their work specifically. If not, there is still much to take away! Bring it to your local women’s rights organization and start a conversation.
This Month’s Reading:
WTF List (Keeping Up With the News):
Explained: The Case That Could Bring Down Justin Trudeau: A breakdown of the SNC Lavalin controversy and what it all means.
Michael Cohen’s Opening Statements to Congress: Meanwhile, in America, Michael Cohen dopped a few bombs.
UAE Gender Equality Awards… Are All Won By Men: it’s like the episode of Parks and Recreation where Leslie shows up to a gender equality meeting and finds only men present.
A Timeline of the Jussie Smollett Case: Actor Jussie Smollett claimed to have been attacked in a hate crime and police investigation later found that he staged the incident.
Toronto Police Rule Out Charges After 30 Women Accuse Former RCMP Doctor of Assault: Is it wrong to keep being surprised that 30 women’s testimonies aren’t enough?
Action Inspo and Instructionals:
Let these alternate guides and examples of resistance inspire you!
Jody Wilson-Raybould’s testimony: Canada’s Attorney General was finally allowed to speak about the SNC Lavalin controversy, and her words are a strong rebuke of political interference and convenient settler interpretations of the rule of law.
Transgendered Teen Can Proceed With Hormone Injections Despite Father’s Objections: This is a groundbreaking BC case where the judge determined that a 14-year-old transgendered boy understood the risks of treatment and could move forward.
Saskatoon Woman Recognized as ‘Women of Worth’ Finalist: When Nicole White learned that young women in Northern Saskatchewan sometimes have to miss school because they can’t afford pads and tampons, she created Moon Time Sisters to ensure they were available. Now she is being recognized for it.
Analysis, Opinion, and Enrichment:
These will help you better understand how what’s feeding the madness and expose you to perspectives different from your own.
Everything is Not Going to be Okay: A wonderful article on how we can live our lives in the knowledge that we are, indeed, killing the planet.
Abortion Access Improves Children’s Lives: A fascinating analysis of a new study that looks at the impact of abortion on the lives of other children in the same family – either the ones already living, or the ones who come later.
Will a Border Wall Work? Look at Europe: Tougher immigration and refugee stances don’t stop people from coming, they just make it more dangerous when they do. This is important to note here in Canada, too – we might not have a border wall to worry about, but we do have incoming politicians who want to keep immigrants out.
Amazon is the Best Argument Against Capitalism: When one man is worth $112 billion, it means he is better at something than the rest of us, but what is it? Innovation or extortion?
Should I Wear Blackface? A Guide: A handy infographic telling you whether or not you should wear blackface. If you were confused.

Andrea Loewen is a writer, theatre-maker, and choreographer in Vancouver, BC. She writes for a variety of online publications, including Loose Lips Magazine and Vancouver Presents, as well as her own site, The Receptionist Blog. Her first book, Feeling Better: A Field Guide to Liking Yourself is available on Amazon and Chapters Indigo. www.andrealoewen.com