
Horoscopes: September

Illustration by @kyinskies

By Mystic Sandwich aka Andrea Javor

With Mars and Mercury now direct, we are gaining momentum as we move toward Fall. Early in the month is your best bet for initiating new projects, moving ahead with what had been under review over the summer, and making new agreements and connections.

The Virgo New Moon is on September 9th. It opposes Neptune in Pisces, offering a spiritual vibe to what otherwise looks to be a productive, detail-oriented few days. Set intentions around tying up loose ends, taking care of business, and looking after your health. This would be a great time for a cleanse or for cleaning up your diet.

Venus is now slowing down in preparation for its retrograde, which isn’t official until early October, but we may already feel the intimations of transformation to our values, finances, and relationships. All the more so in the days around the New Moon when Venus opposes Uranus and squares Mars in a tense configuration that brings our will and desire for freedom to bear on our relationships.

The Equinox on the 22nd inaugurates Autumn, and is closely followed by the Aries Full Moon on the 24th. A Mars-ruled Full Moon square to Saturn may signify control, constraint, or restraint of physicality, will, and anger. Give yourself plenty of space for this one.


Your ruling planet, Mercury, is moving forward again and picking up speed. So, too, are you. With Mercury entering Virgo on the fifth, chances are you’ll be feeling more yourself. On the seventh, Mercury completes a grand trine in earth, connecting with Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus: enjoy the grounding, cooling earthiness of these days, bask in the restorative flow of yin. The new moon on the ninth is in your sign, marking your new year, marking a return of the solar energy within you. Set your intentions not only for the month, but for the year as well. Opposite Neptune, there’s an opportunity to integrate your sense of spirituality with your ordinary consciousness, to recollect your connection to all, even while going about your daily business. The Full Moon on the 24th brings light to your means of relating intimately, to how you share resources such as time, energy, space, possessions, and money, and in turn how others share with you. With a conjunction to Chiron, the wounded healer, and a square to Saturn, there may be some pain and tension associated with this Moon, but there is also an opportunity for deep healing.


The first days of the month are sweet, with your ruling planet, Venus, in your sign. Chances are you’re feeling right at home with the gentle, social, harmonious vibes of Venus in Libra. That is, until Venus squares Mars on the 8th, enters Scorpio on the 9th, and opposes Uranus on the 12th. These days up the intensity and dynamism, and may bring tension or turmoil to your relationships or to your finances. However unpleasant, the good news is you have the opportunity to better understand the underlying dynamics that were already present, but were until now difficult to see. The New Moon on the 9th offers a new beginning when it comes to your spiritual life. (Re)commit to following the call of your soul rather than the louder but less fulfilling cries, demands, and solicitations all about. The Full Moon on the 24th may reveal more deeply the dynamic between you and those with whom you’ve partnered. Throughout the month, have courage, keep your gaze fixed on your emotions and bodily sensations, and do the difficult and most rewarding work of working through what arises, whether internally or with others in your life.


Your ruling planet, Mars, spent most of this summer retrograding through your 3rd and 4th houses of communication and home/family, bringing transformation through the fires of purification. Mars will be retracing its steps over the next months, offering you the opportunity to now move forward and take action with regards to whatever was up for review this summer. Mars squares Venus on the 8th, and Uranus on the 18th: these days may bring tension or sudden changes to your relationships with family members or partners. The New Moon on the 9th lands in your house of networks, friendships, groups, and organizations, bringing renewed energy to these areas. The Full Moon on the 24th brings light to health, work, and daily routine. With a conjunction to Chiron, the wounded healer, the Full Moon may activate old wounds, which, while painful, is always an opportunity for healing, and healing is how we become the healer, helping others, simply through presence.


Your ruling planet, Jupiter, continues its year-long trek through Scorpio, your 12th house of the unconscious, digging up what had been hiding in the depths of your psyche. Jupiter moves into your sign in early November, which is bound to lift your spirits. However, until then, you have a golden opportunity to make the unconscious conscious, to increase your awareness. The work you do now will be rewarded. The New Moon on the 9th offers a new beginning in your career, or vocation: the work you feel called to share with the world. Stay tuned for insights and (re)commit to your Work in the world. The Full Moon on the 24th brings light to the way you play: recreation, romance, and creativity, and may reveal some tension between this area and your income, resources, or self-worth. But where there is tension, there is a possibility of creative resolution and increased power.


Your ruling planet, Saturn, parked in your sign until the end of 2020, moves direct on the 6th. And as Mars and Mercury are also moving forward again, you will likely be gaining momentum yourself after some potential setbacks, stalls, and reworkings. On the 7th, Mercury in Virgo completes a grand Earth trine with Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, offering grounding and stabilizing Earth energy to soothe the flames still smouldering after the summer’s fires. The New Moon on the 9th brings new energy to your beliefs and personal philosophy; release beliefs that don’t fit who you’ve become and work to foster beliefs that lift you up. The Full Moon on the 24th lands in your 4th house of home and family, and may reveal some tension between you and your relatives or those you live with. Consider it a blessing to see more clearly the underlying dynamics, for you now have more knowledge to work with.


All month your two ruling planets—Saturn, your ancient ruler, and Uranus, your modern ruler–connect with each other in a harmonious trine. On the 7th, Mercury joins them to form a Grand Earth trine, linking all the houses in your chart that signify the deeper realms of your psyche. Enjoy this cooling and stabilizing Earthy flow. This time may be more productive, and can help us find grounding, and take practical action. The New Moon on the 9th lands in your 8th house of transformation and intimacy. Consider how you share your energy, time, space, things, and money with your closest people, and in turn, how they share with you. Sharing and boundaries both are necessary for healthy intimacy. The Full Moon on the 24th lands in your 3rd house of communication, and reveals tension with some element of your unconscious mind. Strive to know yourself more deeply in order to communicate more effectively.


Your ancient ruler, Jupiter, is nearing the end of its year-long journey through your 9th house of belief and personal philosophy. You have until November to take advantage of this transit to refine your worldview. All month, Jupiter is sextile Pluto, offering you the opportunity to dig deep into your psyche, to undergo internal transformation through diving within. The New Moon on the 9th lands in your 7th house of partnership, offering a new beginning or renewed commitment to relationship (this includes close friends and business partners). Opposite Neptune in your sign, there is an opportunity to infuse your relationships with your spiritual sensibility. The Full Moon on the 24th shines light on your self-worth, or areas in which it is lacking, as well as your resources (income, time, energy, etc.). Take a good look at your internal narratives around these themes, and ask the moon to help you release those patterns that keep you feeling less than the divine soul you are.


With your ruling planet, Mars, now moving forward and picking up speed, chances are that you’re doing the same. Mars comes into a tense configuration with Venus and Uranus in the middle of the month, which may have you itching to break free. While cutting out that which no longer serves is a worthy use of this energy, be sure not to burn any bridges in the heat of the moment–wait till cooler waters later in the month to make a break. The New Moon on the 9th in your house of daily routines, work, service, and health, is an opportune moment to alter habits and systems, to take care of unfinished business, and to up your health game. Consider also how you can be of service. Finally, the Full Moon at the end of the month fans the flames of Mars’ fires, but brings in restrictive Saturn. With care, this may be best used for disciplined exertion. It’s no easy task to ask Saturn and Mars to cooperate, but when they do, excellence is available.


You’ll feel right at home with the grounding Earth trine that Mercury makes exact on the 7th of the month. Soothing, and supportive, this is a wonderful time for being in nature, working in the yard, or taking care of business. Immediately after, on the 8th, your ruling planet, Venus, squares Mars, which can spell tension in relationships, perhaps with colleagues. With Mars in your ninth house, there can be a tendency to hold doggedly to your own point of view. Check yourself to make sure you are listening and staying open minded before getting into a conflict. The New Moon on the 9th in your fifth house brings fresh energy to your creative life and to recreation, pleasure, romance, and play. Finally, the Aries Full Moon on the 24th may reveal something about yourself that had until now been unconscious. Self-knowledge will set you free.


Mercury, your ruling planet, is moving forward again, and so too are you. On the fifth, Mercury shifts into Virgo, bringing your attention to family, home, and roots. Soon thereafter, Mercury completes a Grand Earth trine with Saturn and Uranus, linking the themes of home/family to the deeper recesses of your mind. This is a stabilizing moment of intimacy (with self and others) that could have you feeling more at home in your own skin. The New Moon on the 9th also lands in your house of home and family, making this a big theme for you this month. Consider not only your present relation to home and family, but to your early childhood, and how those early years shaped who you are now. The end-of-month Full Moon lands in your house of friendship, social networks, groups, and organizations, and puts those themes into conversation with your subjectivity and creativity. Consider how you can bring your uniqueness into community.


The New Moon on the 9th offers a new beginning in communication: in your means of expressing yourself or in a new writing or speaking project perhaps. This area also relates to siblings and sibling-like relationships, thus this month brings more energy to such encounters. With an opposition to Neptune in your house of philosophy and spirituality, there is potential for your communication and your sibling relations to be infused with greater spiritual resonance. Perhaps you will find a means of relating your deeper beliefs and wisdom. The Equinox marks the crux at which nights begin to grow longer than days, as winter approaches. On an inner level this signifies the turn from outward expressions of energy toward greater introspection and introversion. The Full Moon on the 24th lands in your career house. Conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, and square Saturn, there may be something painful revealed with respect to your public role, and there may be some tension or a reality check regarding relationships. If some pain arises, consider it an opportunity to heal: the wounded healer is the one who heals themself and as such becomes a healer in their own right.


The summer was intense and fiery. Perhaps too fiery, even for you. What did the heat of Mars, so close to the Earth, show you? What was transformed through purification? How will you alter your use of energy and will? With the Sun now in Virgo, we’re cooling off again. The New Moon on the 9th lands in your second house of material security, self-care, self-worth, and resources (including time, energy, possessions, and income). What new beginning is brewing here? With Neptune opposite the moon, there is an opportunity to integrate spirituality with materiality. Your innermost thoughts, beliefs, and values impact your material life. Take a look at how you think about security, income, worth, etc. What would you like to call in? On the Equinox, the Sun shifts into your third house of communication and siblings (and sibling-like relationships), bringing energy to this area for the next month. The Full Moon on the 24th, lights up your beliefs and personal philosophy. What do you see about yourself? Self knowledge is the key to wisdom.