
Energy forecast: January

By Seryna Myers

There’s a little spark that sizzles around us the second the clock strikes 12. Between having had some time to rest and recover over (and from) the holidays, and the newness of a fresh chapter beginning, that spark lights something within us and our desire to create starts to rumble. Before you take off toward what you think is the finish line, you’re being asked to take a beat.

The end of last year felt the end of a phoenix’s lifecycle – everything was burning down to make room for the new. Even though we’re feeling that itch to propel forward, we’re actually still in the ashy-rebuilding stage of the phoenix’s rebirth – it’s not yet time to rise and fly.

Clarity + Confidence + Courage = Aligned Action

Taking action for action’s sake leads you down a path of wasting your time, your energy, and your resources. The goal here isn’t to burn hot and burn out – you want to take focused, incremental steps that move you closer to your purpose. Instead, what you’re looking for is aligned action, and here’s how that breaks down…

Clarity allows you take a moment of honest reflection so you can clear on exactly what your heart desires. Without this step, you’re flying blind, influenced entirely by outside influences, creating a vision that isn’t even yours.

Confidence comes from looking at all the awesomeness you bring to the table. It’s celebrating everything you are, everything you’ve achieved, and recognizing all that you’ve overcome. This is essential, because when the shit hits the fan, you need to know that you’ve got this. (Because you do.)

Courage is the fuel that stokes the action engine. When you have unshakeable certainty in who you are and what you’re here to do, the courage piece happens with greater ease. With courage ignited within your core, it becomes easy to build momentum, to keep moving forward, and to bring your heart’s desire to life.

This isn’t the time for DREAMS, it’s the time for GOALS

Dreams are great for idea generating, and for getting yourself excited, but we’re taking that to the next level this year. Goals are backed with a plan, with action, and with a timeline. In this slower month of reflection, you’re being invited to lay the groundwork that shifts dreams into goals, so you can start taking the action to make them actual, tangible, experiences in the 3D world. That’s when you start to live your purpose.

That’s great, but then what’s your purpose?

When there’s conversations around life purpose, we tend to map that onto our careers, as though work is the only thing that we’re here to do. The guides are singing because we’re finally in an age where we can see beyond our work, our things, and the money we make. You are here, in this life, to experience joy. It’s one of the first things we forget when we get caught up in the hustle and grind of overachieving.

Where can you bring more joy into your life?

How will you commit to the time it takes to do things that bring you joy?

What brings you joy that you haven’t done in a long time?

Do more of that.

Monthly Messenger

This month, Archangel Jophiel shows up to help you slow down and literally take the time to stop and smell the roses. Jophiel’s gift is in supporting us to see the beauty in and around us. This month is a time to reflect and appreciate how far you’ve come. Celebrate everything you’ve accomplished in 2018 and before, and then open your heart to what’s next, setting the intention that it’s everything you can ask for and more.

When we take the time to appreciate the beauty around us, we deepen our ability to experience gratitude. The more appreciative and grateful we are, the more we attract reasons to be grateful, so while it may be hard to slow down to notice the bounty around you right now, Jophiel wants you to know that it pays off in ways that will excite and delight you.

Seryna Myers (@serynamyers) is a Sacred Soul™ mentor, and the creator of The Sacred Soul™ Experience. She helps women on the rise navigate all of the layers between who they are and their potential. She works with their angels, guides, and their soul’s mission, helping her clients create lives and businesses with purpose, on purpose. If you’re ready to go deeper and unleash the power of your potential, visit