
Energy forecast: December

By Seryna Myers

Change is in the air, and it brings with it some uncomfortable transformations and conversations, many of which will be happening around the table over family holiday meals. As we make our way to the end of the year, there’s a desire to tie up loose ends and bring closure to the energies of 2018, but before we can do that, we need the courage and willingness to be honest about what is and isn’t in alignment, so we only bring in the elements in support of our highest good and truth into the new year.

Over the last two years, there has been a lot of ugliness unfolding globally that we’ve been avoiding looking at. This month, we’ll find that light is being shone into those unexplored dark corners, with it all coming to a head before the end of the year. There is a sense that it has to get worse before it gets better. We’ll experience it much like a detox. But don’t let the chaos dull your festive spirit. Once we brush off the cobwebs in these areas we’ve been unwilling to look at (the aspects of our lives, relationships, homes, and work that we’ve been unwilling to admit aren’t as bright and sparkly as our instagram feed implies), we have a big space of infinite possibility where we get to create literally anything we want.

So that begs the question: what do you want?

There’s always been societal pressure to conform to a particular aesthetic, social status, or way of living, and if that’s what you truly want and it’s working for you – then all the power to you. But for the rest of us, we’re being invited to have some honest conversations about how we define happiness and success. Once we get crystal clear on what we want to be, do, and have, we get to leverage the space we’ve created by letting go of the rubble that got kicked up, to call in our heart’s desires. While you’ll hear a lot in the upcoming weeks about “new year, new you”, there’s some truth in this energy of “newness” that can support you manifesting the life you want to live, on the terms you wish to live by. Instead of using this energy on making new year’s resolutions you have zero intent on sticking to, use it to get clear on what you want (what you really, really want), and what it will take to make it happen.

Visualizing your heart’s desire is great, but…

When we do work around manifesting and vision boarding, the focus seems to be on repetition, visual aids, and saying affirmations, but it misses a key ingredient: ACTION. Without backing all of this clarity with some next steps to bring your dream to life, you’re left sitting on your meditation pillow, kumbaya-ing until the cows come home.

Make a plan. Ask for help. Take a leap.

It doesn’t have to be all at once, and it doesn’t have to be drastic (read: this is not advice to quit your job and join a commune). But making consistent, incremental changes will take you from the life you’re living right now (that’s feeling a bit ‘meh’ if you’re honest) to the life of your wildest dreams.

Find your dream team.

Surround yourself with people who get it. They’re working on themselves, being honest about what’s not working and creating a plan to move towards their happiness. You’ll recognize them as the ones who take responsibility, who take time to reflect, and who are always looking for the lesson or the silver lining in moments of adversity. We are better together, and shining the light into the darkness can feel pretty isolating if you’ve never done it before. By finding your dream team and having them walk beside you, you’ll be able to lean on their courage in your darker times, and approach your transition journey as a community where honest conversations and soul evolution is the new norm.

Monthly Messenger

This month, Archangel Azrael shows up to help you navigate the choppy waters of transition. As you embark on this new state of being, you’ll experience some internal growing pains as you challenge old beliefs and start taking big steps toward consciously creating your life. Externally, as you start showing up differently (with more clarity, more confidence, more purpose), you may experience a shift in the relationship dynamics with those closest to you. Like the phoenix, you are burning away all of the things that are no longer working in order to be reborn. Your openness and willingness to say yes to yourself is supported by Azrael, making the journey more comfortable, and the transitions unfold with ease.