
Autumn 2021 Horoscopes

These horoscopes focus on the big-picture themes and major transformations unfolding over several years, with 2022 as the focal point. They are based on the outer planet transits, especially the Saturn-Uranus square (2021 and 2022), Jupiter in Pisces for much of 2022, and the eclipse cycle in Taurus-Scorpio from late 2021 until the end of 2023. Please take what resonates, and leave the rest. 


Always looking forward, Aries, but do you see how far you’ve come? Your way of thinking has transformed, and with it, your world. For the next two years especially, your work is radical self love. Did you know there’s nothing wrong with you? Did you know there’s everything right with you? No one else will understand your path, Aries. Believe in yourself, soften to the flow, and trust your guidance. You will discover the deepest meaning of abundance this way. 


The inner stability you’ve gained through heeding your calling has set you up for a transformation of who you are, how you understand yourself, and how you show up in the world. You are called now to more fully embody your individuality, autonomy, and freedom. The paradox is: freedom demands responsibility. What and who are you responsible to? As you channel more and more of you over the coming year, you will also connect with more like-minded folks and feel the boon of community. 


Whether your teachers are human or spirit, plant or animal, you have learned so much in this past year. You have changed. Your relationships have changed. You are ready now to unfurl more fully into your calling. What is your unique offering? Chances are you already know. Lean into it. Guides and opportunities will show up to assist you—if you ask for help. Your expansion is not meant to be difficult, Gemini. Cultivate effortless effort. 


It’s often the most challenging times that are also the most transformative. It’s not fair. There’s no logic to it. And yet it’s only in the dark that we may slough off the skin we’ve outgrown. You are emerging from the dark now, Cancer. In 2022, you will find teachers and teachings to assist your expansion. Soon enough you will find yourself in the full light of day, rejuvenated, regenerated, and alive in a whole new way. 


You have reevaluated your relationship to pleasure, creativity, and community, and can see more clearly what enlivens and what drains you. You find yourself drawn to different social situations now. You are putting more energy into your closest relationships and over the coming year, will feel the boon of intimacy. This next two-year cycle calls you more fully into your purpose. Follow the breadcrumbs of inspiration, flow, passion, and joy.


After a year of tending to your health, and changes in career/family/home, you are settling into a more reflective rhythm which invites contemplation and analysis of your thought patterns, beliefs, assumptions, and narratives. Some stories no longer serve you, and as you realize that, new ideas and ways of thinking will make themselves available. 2022 brings you the blessings of connectivity through friendship, partnership, and auspicious encounters. 


Whether caring for children or a creative project, you are cultivating the growth of something new; protecting a bright but vulnerable flame. This important work is at times assisted by, at times challenged by, the support that you do or do not receive from others. We can’t control what we are given, but we can learn how to receive, to accept support, and to ask for help when we need it. It’s time to be on the receiving end for once, Libra.


Strategic as always, in the lockdowns you got serious about your home life, whether through renovations, moving, tending to family, or simply taking the opportunity for solitude. The retreat to your cave made possible a deep transformation. Over the next two years, your relationships will recalibrate to reflect your new vibration. Some connections will organically fade; some will grow stronger. You will meet new and exciting people that light you up, inspire you, and encourage your soul journey. 


Whether once sacred beliefs lost their lustre, or once vital ideas hardened into party line, the time came to release one way of knowing and embrace another. You have a new perspective, a new philosophy, a new world. Your work now is to lean into your own rhythm, and cultivate the daily rituals and practices that support your health and wellbeing. Your home and closest loved ones are your sanctuary in 2022, a source of nourishment and solace, a space of expansion and blessings. 


You’ve been under intense pressure to evolve and to participate in societal evolution. Clearly business as usual is on its way out. We must create new ways to meet the future. In this regard, you are a visionary: a champion for integrity, transparency, responsibility, and accountability. You lead by example. Don’t take yourself too seriously, though. It’s essential that you align your work with your passion; your goals with your joy. Over the next two years, let children, pleasure, and creativity take precedence. 


You felt the contraction of social life more than most these past years, and yet that allowed you to dedicate more energy to your creative projects, your joy, and any children in your life. This recentering of pleasure and play will spur a transformation of home and family life, as well your work life, over the coming two years. When it comes to your living situation, embrace change, innovation, and uniqueness. You are at home in the world when you are yourself in the world. 


Your inner and outer life have undergone a transformation in the past years. Perhaps you’ve moved or changed jobs. One way or another, your life is structured differently and a re-organization is necessary to what comes next. 2022 brings you opportunity, buoyancy, and optimism. Your work now is to refine your thinking. Electric divine insight wants to light you up. Let go of any assumptions or beliefs that might block the flow.