By Tayvie Van Eeuwen
A Happy Place, my new space to share little bits of sunshine in this sometimes dark and often overwhelming world. The news can be scary, frustrating, and at the very least, confusing.
Part of deconstructing privilege is being aware of what’s happening in the news, but who’s to say we can’t look at the good, too?
Here’s some recent feel-good and wholesome news that is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Raccoon sneaks into BC Hydro Truck for lunch and a nap
A cute clip emerged on Twitter a month ago featuring an unsuspecting critter in a BC Hydro truck. The raccoon had been looking for the perfect self-care spot and found it in the front seat of this truck.

The Burnaby guest ate some food then laid in the sunshine for a short nap. BC Hydro’s Burnaby worker came back to the truck and recorded the affair, which was later published to BC Hydro’s social media.
Looked like a pretty great day for this furry friend. Take a look at the clip here!

BC Government will require free menstrual products in public school washrooms by end of 2019
Victory! The fight for free period products for menstruating teens in BC has become a reality, and we could not be happier.
The BC Government announced on April 5 that they will require all public schools to carry free feminine hygiene products by the end of the year. Tampons and pads will be provided in women’s and universal washrooms in elementary, middle, and high schools.

This announcement makes BC the first provincial government to offer such resources. An approximate $300,000 will be given to help school districts fund the initiative, decided based on each individual district’s size and needs. In addition, $95,000 will be allocated towards the United Way Period Promise Research Project, which funds research and menstrual products for up to 10 non-profit organizations.
This long overdue step by the government has us celebrating for girls and menstruating folx across BC!

Six year old tabby cat survives 8370 Km journey in a shipping container from CHina to BC
This girl has definitely proven that cats have nine lives! The six-year-old tabby was stuck inside a 12-metre shipping container for three weeks from Shenzhen, China, to Vancouver, then Prince George.
The shipping container was loaded over a month ago in China, as said by the North Cariboo District Branch of the BC SPCA. Once unloaded in Prince George, the unnamed tabby was discovered among various materials in the container.

Although she was found in pretty rough shape, speculation is that she survived through licking condensation off the containers walls. Without real food or water for almost three weeks, it’s incredible that this travelling kitty survived.
As of right now, she is being nursed back to health at the SPCA. Her story is certainly made of miracles and we hope they don’t stop now. Hopefully after this period of quarantine and life-saving care she will find a sweet forever home.

13-year-old boy sells his x-box to buy his mom a car
If you have been having a hard day, this story is sure to bring a smile to your face and maybe a few tears. On March 23, William Rabillo’s mom, Krystal Preston, took to Facebook to talk about her son’s incredible gift– a car. Over the coming days, the post went viral across all social media platforms.
The mother of three talked about going through a hard season in life, with no car to transport her children or take her to work. Rabillo had been earning money from neighbourhood lawn mowing and yard work, which he secretly placed aside to fund a car. After selling his own X-box, Rabillo had enough to purchase a 1999 Chevrolet Metro that he saw on Facebook.

Preston wrote on Facebook, “I completely lost it. I started balling my eyes out…I am speechless my 13 year old son bought me a car. I am so proud of my son. He is such a good kid.”
Since the post went viral, hundreds of thousands of posts have praised the teen for his selfless and compassionate deed. Additionally, a GoFundMe page made in support has raised over $12,000 for the family.
Wholesome news truly does exist!

Gym in Los Angeles promotes inclusvity through gender neutral locker rooms and positive space
EVERYBODY in LA is a gym that lives by the motto of inclusivity. The space is committed to, “creating a radically inclusive culture for all bodies to move, strengthen, and heal.” Here, gender neutral locker rooms have caught the attention of many.
They believe that health and wellness should be centered on accessibility through affordable and adaptive environments. Their classes, workshops, and trainers are made for all people regardless of gender, sexuality, size, age, ethnicity, or ability.

EVERYBODY was created after Sam Rypinski and Lake Sharp met in a feminist business class in 2015 . They wanted to try a non-traditional approach to intersectional feminist principles in business.
Soon after, the ground for EVERYBODY was started. The project was, “born of a genuine desire to create brave spaces for all bodies to strengthen and heal.”

Bees on Roof of Notre Dame Cathedral Survive Fire
The Notre Dame has been in every headline lately. While it is sad to see an ancient landmark be destroyed, for myself and many others, it has sparked some anger and confusion about how quickly funds were gathered. With climate change, poverty, inequality, and more going on in the world, I sincerely believe $1 billion could be allocated to better places.
However! There is some positive news in spite of the controversy of Notre Dame. All 180,000 bees that had residence at the cathedral are alive, according to their bee keeper. Over the last 6 years, a trio of beehives have sat on the top of the cathedral’s roof. They were placed there to help boost decreasing bee populations across Europe.

Since 2013, Nicolas Geant has managed the hives and dedicated himself to their livelihood. Half a day after the fire, satellite images illustrated that the hives had survived the fire!
Geant told the Associated Press that instead of killing them, the smoke’s carbon dioxide simply makes the bee’s drunk and puts them to sleep. As the hives were only 100 feet off of the fire, we can all count these bee’s very lucky to be alive!

Surfing one of first sports requiring equal pay- California Lawmakers Follow Lead
Back in September 2018, surfing became the only US-based global sports league to require equal pay among genders. Since this decision, 17-year-old Caroline Marks became the first woman to win the same $100,000 prize as male athletes at the 2019 World Surf League’s Championship Tour.
Now, California has announced that they will require all sports competitions taking place on state property to have equal prizes for men and women. This bill is a monumental step in inclusive sporting events. The state hopes that they will inspire similar actions in other parts of the country and world.

“This change is simply the right thing to do for the WSL and we would like to thank the many advocates who have worked for decades to help advance women’s surfing,” said WSL CEO Sophie Goldschmidt in a piece published by the Good News Network.
“We want to be at the forefront of pushing for equality in all walks of life, starting on the waves, and we feel very lucky to have women on our tour who are highly talented, iconic role models, and more than deserve this recognition as they stand alongside our extraordinary male athletes.”

800 students wish beloved 80-year-old janitor happy birthday
Haze Mabry, an 80-year-old janitor at Pike County Elementary School in Georgia, came to school on his birthday expecting a normal day. However, he was met with shock as 800 students gathered to wish him a happy birthday.
For the past 13 years he has worked at the school, even having his own three kids graduate from there. His genuine love for the school’s children caught the attention of the students and won him the label of “the most loved person” in the school.

All 800 students lined the hallways with handmade cards and banners, while celebrating with noisemakers and the Happy Birthday song. Apparently, Mabry got so many cards they were overflowing out of several buckets.
He spent the weekend sifting through the piles of cards, ensuring he could read one. Reportedly, one student even wrote, “Mr. Haze, you are my sunshine.”
“They’re like my children,” Mabry said in an interview with The Washington Post. “I’m like the old lady in the shoe.”

A self-declared witch, Tayvie spends her time with all things magic. She loves a good sunset, iced coffee, and every known essential oil. Catch her chilling with her black-cat sidekick, Shadow, and hiding by the ocean. Look for her bold eyebrows and vintage style, and you’re bound to find her.