Illustration by Brenna Daugherty.
By Tayvie Van Eeuwen
If there’s ever been a proper time to talk about good news, it’s now. This special edition of A Happy Place features the stories of hope, love, and triumph that are breaking through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frontline Healthcare workers at Richmond HOspital get a sweet surprise
On March 18th, Jacquie, a Starbucks employee, was working at Richmond Hospital’s on-site location when a customer inquired about the maximum amount he could put on a gift card. After Jacquie told the man there was no limit, the customer proceeded to add a $500 gift card to his order. Somewhat normal, right?
What Jacquie didn’t expect was that the man would give the gift card back to him, simply asking that the funds would be used for medical staff orders that afternoon.

Frontline workers took advantage of the sweet surprise and the gift card was depleted within two hours. Vancouver Coastal Health took the event to Facebook, writing:
“When staff learned that their coffee was already paid for, they were surprised and thankful for this amazing act of kindness. Random acts of kindness mean even more during times like this.”
I vote for this to become the new trend!

Local community centres team up to thank Lionsgate hospital staff
Handprints, drawings, and tissue paper flowers. What more could you ask for?
John Braithewaite Community Centres teamed up this past week to create a bright banner for their local North Vancouver hospital. The relief was greatly appreciated, with North Vancouver being a current hot-spot for COVID-19 cases.
The banner is now posted up within Lions Gate Hospital, hoping to spread joy to frontline health workers.
On Friday, March 20th Lions Gate Hospital Foundation expressed their gratitude online, saying, “Thank you to the kids (and adults) who helped paint and deliver this mural for our staff; your thoughtfulness is spreading smiles throughout Lions Gate Hospital.”
In response, the North Vancouver Recreation & Culture page expressed, “The kids in the day camp wanted to show emergency services workers how much we appreciate them. Thank you, from all of us.”

Indigenous educators offer online education during school closures
Launched by Chris Scribe, director of University of Saskatchewan’s Indian Teacher Education Program and founder of Think Indigenous educational conference, “Think Indigenous– Online Indigenous Education K-8” is now posting educational videos while Canada’s schools are closed.
The online platform is aimed at audiences of all ages, with a focus on children from kindergarten through middle school. In the past week, the Youtube channel has seen lessons such as “Cree Lesson,” “Indigenous Boys with Braids,” and “Stress Management and Mental Health.” In addition, past live videos are accessible on their Facebook page.

“I wanted to offer these online Facebook, social media classes for parents who are at home with their kids, just so they can connect with their learning,” Scribe told CBC. “My passion is to include Indigenous knowledge in everything that we do. All of these courses, we are asking people to include as much Indigenous knowledge as possible.”
As of right now, the 30-minute classes are posted daily. So, what are you waiting for? Watch here!

Twitter meme becomes fundraiser overnight
I have loved this tweet since day one and seeing it bloom into a humanitarian cause (while still being fricking hilarious) has made my week. HANDS DOWN.
On March 12, Meg Zukin tweeted, “if u live with a significant other and think all the co-quarantining will cause u to break up, email me at megzukin at gmail dot com. i’m not writing a story im just messy and love drama.”

Now, this was already enough to make me feel happier because 1.) I love me some drama and 2.) I wanted to see if anything would actually happen. WELL IT DID.
Just TWO DAYS after the initial tweet, Meg has raised over $5000 toward COVID-19 aid just by sharing her couple drama stories. The fundraiser began by asking for $1 transfers for access to her Google Docs containing the submissions, which have now expanded beyond just couples.
Two weeks later, the project has its own website, where viewers can read submissions for free and donate to various organizations providing aid in the COVID-19 pandemic.
You already know I’ve been reading all the submissions, so here are some of my personal favourite.
Here Kitty Kitty
“I’m getting divorced, but thankfully my husband is not quarantined with me in our house. I live alone with my cat who really likes the sound of my vibrator. It’s become a problem. I have to lock her in a separate room away from mine, otherwise she’ll sit outside my bedroom door meowing loudly and scratching, trying to break in.”
“My mum stuck gum in her ears. She was working from home and found the household too loud so, all alone in her room and unbeknownst to anyone, she stuck a giant wad of gum in each ear. She came downstairs after several hours of working with gum in her ears, crying that there was gum stuck in her hair. We were all dumbstruck.”
Conscious-Uncoupling During Corona
“I’m currently quarantined w my ex husband…. Our post-divorce relationship has been a cross between a Gwyneth Paltrow-esq ‘conscious-uncoupling I’m so grateful to have a good ex husband’ hippie shit and ‘thank god you’re no longer my problem/ wtf was I thinking?!’
I’m saving for a house… so we thought it could work short term. We work opposite schedules. Him in an office 9-5 and me in the restaurant industry at night. Perfect scenario right?! We can co-parent our 2 sons in the same house! Well. Enter on the scene Corona virus. He is now working from home, I have no restaurant to manage. He chews with his mouth open. This is gonna be a disaster. My shit will be lost. To be fair his will be too, I’m no peach. Please send actual corona. And limes.”
Read more submissions on their Instagram, as well.

Hundreds of British Children sing to elderly residents stuck in Isolation
This may be my favourite Happy Place story of all time. 😭
In response to the isolation elderly folks are facing all around the globe, Silver Springs Primary Academy decided to do their part. Across from the elementary school in Stalybridge, England, is Kendal House– a sheltered housing facility for elderly individuals.
One day, the school put a sign up outside encouraging Kendal House residents to “Watch this space 2PM today.”

At 2 PM, nearly 200 people in years 4-6 sang songs from their school grounds for the isolated elderly folks across the street. Some of the musical numbers included “Something Inside So Strong,” “True Colours,” “Sing,” and “Rather Be.”
In addition, the students of Silver Springs have also been writing letters and drawing pictures for the residents. Manchester Evening News reported that the letters were “urging them to ‘be happy not sad’ and to ‘think of all the good things’.”
Watch the video of their performance here.

Man prepares to propose in Iceland, ends up doing it in an iceland store instead
👏 This is what we call MAKING DO and I have found the king. 👏
The Coronavirus has effectively severed all dreams of vacationing, but that didn’t stop this man from doing his planned proposal. MAJOR RESPECT.
The couple had originally booked a holiday for Iceland, but due to travel restrictions, they were unable to go. What is a man to do? Propose in the local Iceland Foods store!
Close enough, right?

Iceland Foods announced the proposal on Facebook, posting:
During this uncertain time, we wanted to share some happy news with you! Congratulations to this lovely couple who got engaged in our Tonbridge store this week. He had planned to propose in Iceland but after their holiday was cancelled, he chose the next best thing… Enjoy your honeymoon to Iceland on us.
That’s right folks! Iceland Foods is now paying for this cute couple’s eventual honeymoon to Iceland (the country).
The news we need and deserve. Congrats!
happy suggestions

Watch the following videos for a good laugh. 10/10 recommend!
JoJo remixes hit 2000’s song “Leave (Get Out)” into a COVID-19 advisory
A poke at Canada’s plastic money (and why it’s working right now!)
Couple separated by COVID-19 celebrate anniversary in a special way
How this teacher is feeling about student video chats right now

Tayvie is a Métis/Anihšināpē and Irish/Scottish student and writer. Her circle is small, but her joy is large. She splits her time between over-thinking and visiting Disneyland. Read her articles to take a peek inside the world of mental illness and happy news, because it’s all about balance, right?