
Resistance Roundup: Volume Three

“True resistance comes from people confronting pain… and wanting to do something about it.” – Bell Hooks

This Month’s Action:

This month it was remarkably harder to find news and articles about the madness of Trump’s administration. Of course it was: it’s been a few months and we’re all tired and our bar for “normal” has shifted. This month’s action is to not let your bar for normal shift. Write down a list of things that a government should and should not be able to do. Compare what is happening to that list. Do not let it become normal. Do not go quietly into this dark night.

This Month’s Reading:

WTF List (Keeping Up With the News):

What the Fuck Just Happened Today: Still the best place for daily updates on the declarations, bills, and other actions made by the Whitehouse.

Jeff Sessions Outlines New Immigration Policy in Department-Wide Memo: Look forward to increased charges for undocumented immigrants who try to re-enter the country and new border security coordinators.

Art Collectors and Museum Patrons Among Biggest Donors to Trump’s Inauguration: Granted, these are incredibly wealthy arts-lovers, not artists, but still, it surprised me.

Trumpcare is Back: A breakdown of what to expect from the new Trumpcare proposal.

Trump’s New State Department Spokesperson is a Fox News Vet and a Virulent Islamophobe: The headline says it all.

Action Inspo and Instructionals:

Let these alternate guides and examples of resistance inspire you!

May Day: Beyond the Moment: The latest action from the Women’s March on Washington involves The Majority, a coalition of 50 resistance organizations, marking May 1 (May Day) as a day of labour rights.

Text Your Members of Congress with Resistbot: A pretty simple and awesome way to repeatedly text your members of congress with your concerns.

Two Art Projects That Help You Fax Your Discontent to Politicians: If you’d like to go more old fashioned than texting, faxes still exist! These are two art projects that have been created to fax politicians in support of the NEA. 

What You Can Do to Help the People of Syria: Helping those who Trump’s policies are holding down undermines the platform he stands on.

The Protest That Never Ended: The Dead City Legal Posse is working to hold protesters together and keep the fight moving.

Analysis, Opinion, and Enrichment:

These will help you better understand how what’s feeding the madness and expose you to perspectives different from your own (regardless of their direct connection to Trump’s madness).

Here is What a Law and Order Administration Looks Like: Trump campaigned on a “law and order” platform – here’s a breakdown of what that really means.

Crocodile Trumper Tears and Dead Syrians: A very tough and direct criticism of Trump supporters and their impact on the lives of Syrians.

When and How Could the House Vote to Impeach?: If you’ve been wondering about impeachment, here is a start.

Is the March for Science Worthwhile?: Perhaps a better headline to this would by, “Why Are Scientists Trying to Claim the March For Science is Not Political?”

Calling In vs. Calling Out: As we try to be more inclusive and fight for what’s right, sometimes we’ll misstep. Here’s another way to look at “calling each other out.”

What’s Killing America’s Black Infants?: As reproductive rights and women’s health are at the core of much of this resistance, let’s not forget some terrible truths.

Trump Brought the War on Women to the Mainstream in His First 100 Days: A handy explanation of the top three things Trump has done to undermine women’s rights.

The Simpsons’ Take on Trump’s First 100 Days: Here’s a little levity. Sort of.