By Shannon McLachlan and Kelsey Dech
@semclachlan, @kelseydechDevin Shanaman and Breezy Charles – @devinshan, @breezycharles (from left to right) Favourite places to shop? D: We both work for Nordstrom… But Topshop too! B: Woo to See You in Yaletown.Lauren Kam – @lkam_ 3 words to describe your style? “Black is best.”Nicole G. Leier – @nicolegleier How would you describe your style in 3 words? “Wannabe hipster housewife”Shannon McLachlan is the friend that stops to take a photo of everything. She is a lover of traveling, laughing, quality puns and is the owner of way too many backpacks.Kelsey Dech is a shameless shower singer with a shopping problem. Lover of a good hike, road trips, Instagram, and just about anything with cheese.