Loose Lips Magazine’s most anticipated moments in 2016, for GIRLS to women
By Loose Lips Mag

HBO recently announced that Girls season 5 would premiere on Feb. 21, 2016 at 10 p.m. We can NOT wait to see Hanna, Jessa, Marnie, and Shoshanna do their thing in this 10-episode season. We have a feeling that Shosh’ (and her new hair-do) is our new favourite character because she leaned the eff in by ditching her dude and moving to Japan.
Powerhouse vocalist and feels-inducing lyricist Adele graces Vancouver with her glory on July 20 and 21, 2016. We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to show off our chops as all of Rogers Arena belts out “Hello” along with the 27-year-old songstress.
Our local girl Louise Burns drops an album. No word on a date yet, but she did promise us a single release in January.
Speaking of album releases from women we absolutely adore, you can expect a whole lot of great music from Sia, Loretta Lynn, Daughter, and Lucinda Williams in the next few months. Each will be releasing an album in the first three months of 2016.
Though we love that Canadians snagged a feminist Prime Minister in 2015, we’re pretty jazzed at the very real prospect of Hillary Clinton stepping into the White House for a second time. This time, with hubby Bill being the first man of the United States. American women, if Hilary aligns with your political views, set your vote in 2016!
Groundwork has been laid for the 2016 launch of an inquiry into the nearly 2,000 missing and murdered aboriginal women that have haunted Canada. Though we can’t say we’re excited about the results, it’s time that affected women and families get closure. Election promises made by the Liberals to “immediately” launch an inquiry at a cost of $40 million over two years are yet to be realized, but we’re hopeful.
Kristi Alexandra is an unabashed wino and wannabe musician. Her talents include drinking an entire bottle of cabernet sauvignon, singing in the bathtub, and falling asleep.