Girl gang. Photo provided by The Tit Store CEO Emily Brown
By Loose Lips Mag
Meet Saskatchewan babe Emily Brown: entrepreneur, artist, Planned Parenthood activist, and CEO of The Tit Store. The prices for her tees are low so that donating to Planned Parenthood at the checkout can be a viable option for Tit Tee shoppers.
To support this Canadian, female-run biz and drive donations to Brown’s Planned Parenthood initiative, Loose Lips is offering a promo code for the month of May to be used on her online store. Check out with the promo code LOOSELIPPED for 15 per cent off until the end of month and join the cause.
Obsessed with The Tit Store and dying to know more about the ethos and story behind this brand? Us too. Read our Q&A with Emily below.
How did you come up with the idea to begin The Tit Store, and what was your motivation?
I’ll preface my first answer with this: I’m flat chested and I’ve always struggled with body image. I drew a nice bubbly pair of DD’s on a shirt for a creative photoshoot last November and it was pretty kick ass. The shirt felt empowering so I sketched a few other design ideas and now here we are! My motivation was to empower women through body positivity and the Tit Tees have done exactly that.
The Tit Store aims to promote equality through normalizing the female anatomy, we aim to support a new social norm by actively giving back and we aim to sustain social awareness by educating our customers on how they can give back to their communities.
Is this a side hustle at the moment?
I have recently made The Tit Store my primary focus. My side hustle is made up of styling, designing, art direction and part time to keep me active in all those areas!
What has the response been to building this online store?
The response to The Tit Store has been really amazing. I didn’t expect it to have so much interest so quickly. I think that our global community has a want to help and The Tit Store makes it easy to practice helping. People have been taking it seriously, I guess, they’ve proven that they want to give back and I am so happy to try and make charity more accessible.

Your Planned Parenthood initiative-can you delve into that for us?
Planned Parenthood has been under attack lately. They have a vast set of responsibilities and they help a lot of people in ways that the average person doesn’t know about. Planned Parenthood does so much good and I think it’s time we educate ourselves on what they do and attempt to end the stigma associated with their establishments. Planned Parenthood is accessible to so many people in need and I believe it’s vital that we help maintain their services.
Is this a one woman show?
I am one woman and this is my show. I have endless support from friends and family but The Tit Store is run solely by me.

Kristi and Brittany, proudly wearing The Tit Store tees, are the co-founders and co-editors of Loose Lips Mag. Together, they’re building their feminist media empire and leaving the patriarchy, charcuterie boards, and empty bottles of wine in their wake.You can find them in Gastown sniffing out other women warriors or fuelling up at local coffee shops.