essaysamp; columns

quit it

Quit It!

Megan Lau |

By Megan Lau @meganmklau On the verge of turning 30, I’d lived in four different cities in the last decade, and switched career paths and industries several…

no visible damage

No Visible Damage

Hannah Stevens |

By Hannah Stevens @stevens_han Two women a week are murdered in the UK by their partners, or ex-partners. This is that moment

finding my spirit in the mountins of my home

Finding spirit in the mountains of my home

Samantha Lego |

By Samantha Lego @samanthalego Some people find their solace in religion, others in spirituality and devotion. I found mine in the vastness and glory of mountains

First dates canada

I was on a TV Dating Show

By Leah Scheitel @leahschei My obsession with dating shows began when I was recovering from oral surgery. Then I ended up being on TV.
